Legenda Papua Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Legenda Papua Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dongeng legenda rakyat Joko Tingkir atau The Legend of Joko Tingkir dalam Bahasa Inggris

The original name was Joko Tingkir Mas Karebet which is the first king of the kingdom Pajang with the title of Sultan Hadiwijaya. His father Ki Ageng Pangging often known as Kebo Kenongo executed by the kingdom of Demak, as being a rebel and that is Nyai Ageng Pengging mother died of illness.

After being an orphan, Mas Karebet raised by Nyai  Ageng Tingkir, and nicknamed Joko Tingkir. Joko Tingkir grow into predisposing brave, and very fond imprisoned. Joko Tingkir also been studied to sunan Kalidjaga and Ki Ageng Sela.

Joko Tingkir devoted himself in the kingdom of Demak on the advice of Sunan Kalidjaga. He stayed at home brother of Nyi Ageng Tingkir, nurses Mosque Demak and rank headman Ganjur, namely Kyai Gandasmustaka. Joko Tingkir became head of Demak-ranking soldier wiratama ravine, because he was good to attract the sympathy of Sultan Trenggono.

Later, Joko Tingkir charge of selecting candidates Soldiers who will be included into a group of soldiers Joko Tingkir. One of the recruits was Dadungawuk. Daduk awuk is the arrogant and often flaunt his power. Because of his pride, Joko Tingkir intends to test his power to puncture Konde. But it turns out Dadungawuk killed instantly. Joko Tingkir dismissed by the Sultan of Demak Trenggono and expelled because of the incident.

Joko Tingkir away from Demak and learning from his father's old Sodara, named Ki Ageng Banyubiru or Kanigoro Kebo. He studied along with the three disciples Ki Ageng Banyubiru called Manca Mas, Mas Wila and Wragil back to Demak. On the way to cross the river using a raft Kedung Srengenge, they attacked invisible crocodile, but the crocodile defeated by the students until the crocodile helped push the raft to the other side.

Joko Tingkir trying to find sympathy for the Sultan Trenggono which at that time was traveled in Mount Prawoto. He took off a mad bull named Kebo Danu. The Water Buffalo rampage after being given a mantra by Joko Tingkir, by giving the burial ground at the buffalo's ear. No one was able to stop the water Buffalo.

Joko Tingkir emerged and face the mad buffalo, and defeated easily. The incident, was appointed by the Sultan Trenggono back into ravine wiratama.

Terjemahan cerita bahasa Indonesia The Ant and The Grasshopper:

Kisah ini menceritakan tentang seekor belalang yang menghabiskan musim panasnya dengan bernyanyi dan bermalas-malasan. Sementara di sisi lain, koloni semut bekerja keras sepanjang musim panas untuk menyimpan persediaan makanan untuk musim dingin. Sang belalang menertawakan tindakan yang dilakukan koloni semut dan memberitahukan bahwa mereka seharusnya menikmati musim panas.

Para semut lantas memberi tahu belalang bahwa ia harus menyimpan makanan untuk musim dingin atau ia akan kelaparan di saat semuanya akan membeku.

Tibalah saat musim dingin, koloni semut berada di sarangnya, beristirahat dan bertahan hidup dari persediaan makanan yang telah mereka simpan.

Kemudian, belalang datang ke sarang mereka dalam kondisi lapar dan kedinginan. Ia meminta para semut untuk membagi makanannya dan mengatakan bahwa ia telah menyadari kesalahannya. Koloni semut pun membagi makanan dengan belalang dan membuatnya berjanji untuk bekerja keras selama musim panas mendatang untuk mengumpulkan dan menyimpan makanan.

Nah Bunda, demikianlah kumpulan cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia dan luar negeri populer dengan beragam temanya. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat bagi Bunda dan Si Kecil ya!

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Cardinal number atau angka kardinal (satu, dua, tiga, dsb.) adalah kata sifat yang merujuk ke jumlah atau kuantitas. Ordinal number atau bilangan bertingkat (pertama, kedua, ketiga, dsb.) merujuk ke distribusi.

Bacalah desimal dengan lantang dalam bahasa Inggris dengan mengucapkan titik desimal sebagai point, lalu bacalah masing-masing digit secara terpisah. Perhatikan bahwa uang tidak dibaca dengan cara ini.

Bacalah pecahan menggunakan angka kardinal sebagai pembilang dan angka ordinal sebagai penyebutnya. Angka ordinal menjadi bentuk jamak jika pembilangnya lebih dari 1. Hal ini berlaku untuk semua angka, kecuali 2, yang dibaca half saat penyebutnya adalah 1 dan halves saat penyebutnya lebih dari 1.

Cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris dan artinya tentang Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, in a remote village on the coast of West Sumatra, lived a family of fishermen. Because they were poor, the father decided to sail across the ocean for better work. Unfortunately, Malin's father never returned home, and his mother had to make a living.

Malin was a smart kid, but he was a little naughty. He often chased the chickens and hit them with a broom. One day, when Malin was chasing chickens, he tripped over a stone and hurt his right hand. The wound became a scar and could not be erased.

Malin felt sorry for his mother, who worked hard for the family. Malin decided to leave his home and might return when he becomes rich.

Malin Kundang's mother disagreed, because her husband never returned. But Malin insisted, and then she agreed to let Malin go aboard a merchant ship. Malin Kundang learned much about seamanship from the experienced crews.

On the way, suddenly the ship was attacked by pirates. All of the merchandise traders were seized by the pirates. Most of the crew and passengers on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin Kundang was lucky; he was hiding in a small space under the woods, and the pirates couldn't find him.

Malin Kundang drifted until the ship became stranded on a beach. With the remaining power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village. The land was very fertile. With patience and hard work, Malin gradually managed to become a wealthy man. He had a lot of merchant ships with more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang married a girl.

The news of the wealthy and married Malin Kundang was heard by his mother. She felt grateful and very happy that her son had succeeded. Malin's mother has gone to the dock every day since then, waiting for her son, who may return home one day.

After a long marriage, Malin and his wife set sail with a lot of crew. Malin's mother saw the arrival of the ship. She saw two people who were standing on the deck of the ship. She believed they were Malin Kundang and his wife.

Malin's mother was headed toward the ship. Once close enough, Malin's mother saw the scar on his hand. She was sure that the man was Malin Kundang.

"Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without any message?", she said, hugging Malin Kundang.

Malin Kundang became enraged when he saw the old woman dressed shabbily and hugging him, despite the fact that he knew the old woman was his mother. This was because he was embarrassed when it was known by his wife and his crew.

Malin Kundang's mother was furious.She had not expected him to become disobedient. Not long after that, Malin Kundang sailed again. Later, a violent storm destroyed the ship.

At the same time, Malin Kundang's mother was praying with anger and shouted, "Lord, if true, he is Malin, my son. I curse him to become a rock!"

Malin Kundang's body slowly became rigid and finally shaped into a rock. Until now, the stone of Malin Kundang can still be seen at a beach called Pantai Air Manis, in the southern city of Padang, West Sumatra.

Cerita legenda bahasa Inggris dan artinya tentang Sangkuriang

Long ago, in West Java, lived a princess named Dayang Sumbi. She had a son named Sangkuriang. The child was very fond of hunting in the woods. He was always accompanied by his beloved dog named Tumang while hunting. Tumang was actually the incarnation of a god and also the biological father of Sangkuriang. But Sangkuriang did not know it because his mother carefully hid it.

One day, Sangkuriang went into the forest to hunt as usual. Once he arrived, he started looking for prey. Sangkuriang saw a bird perched on a branch, then without thinking, shot it right on target. Sangkuriang then commanded Tumang to take his prey, but Tumang was silent and did not want to follow his command. Sangkurian was very angry with Tumang, and he expelled Tumang and would not allowed it to go home with him again.

At home, Sangkuriang told her mother about the incident. After hearing the story of her son, Dayang Sumbi, was very angry. She picked up the spoon and hit the head of Sangkuriang. Feeling disappointed with the treatment of his mother, Sangkuriang decided to go wandering and left his house.

Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted her actions after he left. She prayed every day and asked that one day she could see her son again. Because of her sincerity in prayer, God gave her the gift of eternal beauty and youth forever.

After many years of wandering, Sangkuriang eventually intends to return to his hometown. Once there, he was very surprised, because his hometown had changed completely. Sangkuriang's pleasure increased when he met a woman who is very beautiful, which is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Fascinated by her beauty, Sangkuriang proposed to her for marriage. Finally, the proposal was received by Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang, and she agreed to marry in the near future.

One day, Sangkuriang asked his future wife for permission to hunt in the forest. Before leaving, he asked Dayang Sumbi to tighten and fix his head belt. Surprisingly, Dayang Sumbi saw a scar. The scar was similar to his son's. After asking about the cause of the wound, Dayang Sumbi was extremely surprised, because it was true that her future husband was her own son.

Dayang Sumbi was very confused, because she should not marry her own son. After Sangkuriang came home, Dayang Sumbi tried to speak to Sangkuriang about canceling their wedding plan. Dayang Sumbi's request was rejected by Sangkuriang.

Every day, Dayang Sumbi thought about how to cancel their wedding. Dayang Sumbi finally found the best way. She offered two requirements to Sangkuriang. If Sangkuriang could meet both requirements, Dayang Sumbi wanted to be a wife, otherwise the marriage would be canceled. The first requirement was that Dayang Sumbi wanted the Citarum river dammed. The second one was ordered by Sangkuriang to create a very large boat to cross the river. Both requirements must be completed before dawn.

Sangkuriang challenged both Dayang Sumbi's requests and promised to finish before dawn. With his magic, Sangkuriang ordered his friends from the jinn to help complete the requirements. Dayang Sumbi spied on Sangkuriang's job. She was shocked, because Sangkuriang had almost completed all the requirements given by Dayang Sumbi before dawn.

Dayang Sumbi then asked for help to hold a red silk cloth to the east of the city. When looking at the red color in the eastern city, Sangkuriang thought that it was already dawn. Sangkuriang immediately stopped work and thought he was unable to meet the requirements that had been submitted by Dayang Sumbi.

Sangkuriang was disappointed and then broke down his own dam. Because of the breakdown of the dam, there was a flood and the whole town was underwater. Sangkuriang also kicked the big boat that has been made. The canoe was drifting and fell upside down. Later, it changed into a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu.

Cerita dongeng dalam bahasa Inggris tentang keluarga bebek: The Ugly Duckling

The story starts on a farm, where a duck sits on a clutch of eggs to make them hatch. The eggs hatch one by one, and soon, there are six yellow-feathered ducklings chirping excitedly. The last egg takes longer to hatch, and from it emerges a strange-looking duckling with grey feathers.

Everybody finds the grey duckling ugly, including its mother. The dejected duckling runs away and lives alone in a swamp until winter comes. Seeing the duckling starving in winter, a farmer takes pity on the ugly duckling and gives it food and shelter at home. However, the duckling is afraid of the farmer’s noisy children and flees to a cave by a frozen lake.

When spring comes, a flock of beautiful swans descend on the lake, and the duckling, which is now fully grown, but lonely, approaches the swans, expecting to be rejected. To his surprise, the swans welcome him. He looks at his reflection in the water and realizes that he is not an ugly duckling anymore but a beautiful swan. The swan joins this flock and flies off with his new family.

Mengucapkan persentase

Persentase mudah dibacakan dengan lantang dalam bahasa Inggris. Ucapkan saja angkanya dan tambahkan kata percent.

Untuk membaca nilai uang, bacalah lebih dulu angka bulatnya, lalu tambahkan nama mata uangnya. Jika terdapat desimal, ikuti dengan desimal yang diucapkan sebagai angka bulat, dan jika koin dalam mata uang tersebut memiliki nama, tambahkan di akhir. Perhatikan bahwa desimal normal tidak dibaca seperti ini. Aturan-aturan ini hanya berlaku untuk mata uang.

Terjemahan cerita Legenda Roro Jonggrang:

Pada zaman dahulu, ada sebuah kerajaan bernama Prambanan. Orang-orang hidup damai. Namun, segera hidup bahagia mereka terganggu oleh Kerajaan Pengging. Raja, Bandung Bondowoso, ingin menempati Prambanan. Dia adalah seorang raja yang kejam.

Perang antara Prambanan dan Pengging tidak bisa dihindari. Prambanan kalah perang dan dipimpin oleh raja baru, Bandung Bondowoso. Pengging bisa memenangkan perang karena Bandung Bondowoso memiliki kekuatan supranatural.

Tentaranya tidak hanya manusia tetapi juga jin. Makhluk selalu dipatuhi Bandung Bondowoso. Mereka selalu melakukan apa pun yang diminta Bandung Bondowoso. Raja Prambanan memiliki seorang putri cantik. Namanya Loro Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso jatuh cinta dengan dia dan ingin menikahinya.

"Jika Anda ingin menikah, Anda harus membangun seribu candi dalam satu malam," kata Loro Jonggrang.

Dia membenci Bandung Bondowoso karena ia membuat orang-orang dari Prambanan menderita.

"Apa? Tidak mungkin! Anda hanya memberi saya alasan untuk tidak menikah saya!" kata Bandung Bondowoso.

Tapi dia tidak menyerah. Dia meminta jin untuk membantunya.

Maka semua jin yang bekerja keras untuk membangun 1.000 candi. Sementara itu, Loro Jonggrang mendengar dari orang kepercayaannya bahwa pembangunan 1.000 candi itu hampir selesai.

Dia begitu takut karena dia tidak ingin menikah Bandung Bondowoso. Kemudian, Loro Jonggrang punya ide bagus. Dia meminta semua orang kepercayaannya untuk membantunya.

"Tolong siapkan banyak jerami dan mortar. Ayo! Cepat!" kata Loro Jonggrang.

Semua orang kepercayaannya bingung. Mereka tidak tahu mengapa Loro Jonggrang meminta mereka untuk mempersiapkan banyak jerami dan mortir di tengah malam.

"Dengar, semua jin yang sedang membangun kuil, kan? Kita harus menghentikan mereka dengan membakar jerami dan membuat beberapa kebisingan. Jin akan berpikir bahwa matahari akan terbit dan mereka akan lari. Para jin takut sinar matahari," kata Loro Jonggrang.

Ya, rencana Loro Jonggrang pun berhasil! Semua jin berpikir bahwa matahari terbit. Mereka tidak tahu cahaya itu dari api yang membakar jerami, dan suara dari kencang berasal mortir.

Bandung Bondowoso marah. Dia tahu Loro Jonggrang hanya menipunya.

"Anda tidak bisa membodohi saya, Loro Jonggrang. Saya sudah memiliki 999 candi. Aku hanya perlu satu lagi kuil. Sekarang, saya akan membuat Anda menjadi candi yang ke seribu."

Dengan kesaktiannya, Bandung Bondowoso mengutuk Loro Jonggrang menjadi candi atau arca ke-1.000. Sampai saat ini, candi itu masih berdiri di daerah Prambanan, Jawa Tengah. Masyarakat percaya bahwa cerita ini menjadi asal-usul berdirinya Candi Prambanan.

Cerita rakyat Indonesia Asal Usul Reog Ponorogo or Ponorogo Dance

A long time ago, there was a kingdom in Kediri, East Java. The king had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Princess Dewi Sanggalangit. She was not only beautiful, but also had a great personality. She liked to help people and she never treated people differently.

Princess Dewi Sanggalangit was single. Although many young men had come to propose her to be their wife, the princess still did not want to get married yet. It made the king restless.

"My daughter, what are you waiting for? You are old enough to get married."

"I know that, Father. And I will pray to gods to give me guidance," said the princess.”

Princess Dewi Sanggalangit did not want to choose the wrong husband. Therefore, she meditated, asking gods to give her guidance on how to choose the right husband.

While during her meditation, the princess had a vision. It was seen that in her wedding party, people enjoyed watching a dance. It was not a common dance that she had seen before.

The dancers were dancing following harmonious melody from the Gamelan. It is a traditional music instrument in Java. There were also horses lining up, they were following the bride and the groom. And the most interesting attraction was the performance of a two-headed animal!

The princess told the king about her vision during the meditation. The king then made an announcement. He said that any man could realize his daughter's wish, could marry her.

One by one, they gave up. They said it was very difficult to hold the dance, especially the performance of a two-headed animal. However, there were two men who still wanted to continue. They were King Singabarong from Lodaya Kingdom and King Kelanaswandana from Bandarangin Kingdom.

King Singabarong was a mean king. He would hurt anyone who did not obey him. King Singabarong was very strange. He was a human but he had a lion head. He was a very tall and big man. His head had been hairy just like a lion's head. There were many fleas on his head, therefore he kept a peacock. He always brought his peacock with him. And whenever he felt itchy, he asked his bird to peck and bit the fleas.

Meanwhile, King Kelanaswandana was a handsome man. He was wise and kind to his people. The King had a great supernatural power. He was still single. And he really loved Princess Dewi Sanggalangit. He was sure that he could hold the dance.

Both kings worked very hard. To anticipate his competitor, King Singabarong sent his soldier to spy King Kelanaswandanana:

The report from his soldier shocked King Singabarong. He said that King Kelanaswandana already had 140 twin horses.

King Singabarong was upset! He planned to attack King Kelanaswandana and stole his horses. Soon King Singabarong and his soldiers arrived at the Kingdom of Bandarangin. Finally the two kings were facing each other.

While they were fighting, suddenly King Singabarong felt very itchy in his head. He could not stand it anymore. He asked his peacock to peck his hairy-lion-head. King Kelanaswandana did not waste the great opportunity. With his supernatural power, he whipped King Singabarong.

Amazingly, King Singabarong changed into a very strange animal. His peacock joined his head. King Singabarong had changed into a two-headed animal! King Kelanaswandana immediately brought the two-headed animal and performed the dance.

Princess Dewi Sanggalangit amazed and as promised she agreed to marry King Kelanaswandana. And she was brought to Wengker in Bandarangin Kingdom. Wengker was the other name of Ponorogo. Since then people named the dance as Ponorogo dance.

Cerita Danau Toba atau The Origin of Lake Toba dalam Bahasa Inggris dan artinya

Once upon a time there was a young farmer whose name was Toba He lived in a valley which land was fertile, therefore he was able to support his life by the crops he grew although he was not a rich man.

One day, he felt like he wanted to eat fish so he went fishing at a river not far from his house. The river was usually rich with fish, but on that strange day he did not catch any fish for a long time, so he decided to just go home. Just as he was preparing to leave, his rod and line still in the water caught a big fish. As he lifted the fish, it suddenly talked. The fish cried and begged him to release it.

Surprised to see a talking fish, he released it to the river, but suddenly the fish transformed into beautiful young woman. The young woman said that she was actually a princess cursed to be a fish. She thanked the young farmer for breaking her curse and to show her gratitude, she was willing to be his wife under the condition that the farmer should not tell anybody about her being a fish once or a terrible disaster would be fallen on him. So the farmer and the woman got married and after a while the woman gave birth to a baby boy. The boy grew up to be a child of great appetite. He was always hungry and would eat all the food at the table and would not even leave any food for his parents to eat.

One day the boy was asked to bring food to his father who was working on the field. But on the way, the boy ate up the food he carried. At the field, his father was very hungry and tired after working, but he found out there was no food left for him to eat. This made the farmer lose his temper and in anger, he hit the boy and called him a son of the fish.

Crying, the boy ran home and asked his mother if he really was a son of a fish. Shocked and sad to hear that, his mother told the boy to climb to the hill near their house and to climb to the top of the tallest tree. She herself hurried up to the river where he met the young farmer the first time and disappeared.

The sky turned black and thunder and lightning roared and heavy rain fell onto the valley. The rain was so hard and so long that the valley started to flood. The water got higher and higher until the valley was no more. It had turned into a lake. People named the lake after the farmer, Toba. The hill became an island in the middle of the lake, and it was named Samosir Island. The son was believed to be the ancestor of Batak People of North Sumatera.

Cerita rakyat Asal Usul Gunung Bromo  atau The Origin of Mount Bromo dan artinya

The story is about a husband and a wife named Joko Seger and Roro Anteng. They had been married for years and they did not have any children yet.

They wanted to have children, they prayed to the gods every day. And finally Joko Seger had a vision. His wife would be pregnant if he meditated in a cave. However, a lion lived in the cave. Joko Seger fought with the lion. He won! Later he meditated in the cave. J

Joko Seger decide to meditating. Later, he heard a voice.

"Joko Seger, all the Gods agreed to give you children, lots of children."

"Really? Thank you very much," said Joko Seger happily.

"But there is one condition you have to do."

"Say it. I will do anything as long as you give me lots of children," said Joko Seger.

"You will have 25 children. But you have to sacrifice one of them when they are adult."

"l agree," said Joko Seger without any doubts.

He was so happy that God would give them 25 children. He thought sacrificing one of them would not be a problem. He would still have 24 children.

At home, Joko Seger told his wife about his conversation with the god. And Roro Anteng could not say anything. After all, her husband had promised to Gods. She just hoped that they would never have to sacrifice one child.

Later, Roro Anteng was pregnant. They had a baby! Joko Seger and Roro Anteng were very happy. The first baby was followed by other babies. Sometimes, the babies were born twins and other times the babies were born triplets. And the couple finally had 25 children! They were extremely happy.

And when the children were grown up, Joko Seger had a dream. He talked to the God.

"Joko Seger, remember your promise. I want you to bring one of your children to the crater of Bromo Mountain. Sacrifice your child there. If you don't keep your promise, the mountain will erupt and destroy everything."

Joko Seger woke up from his sleep. He was restless. He then talked to all his children about his promise.

"No, Father, I don't want to die," said the oldest.

"I don't either, Father," said another child.

All the children refused to be sacrificed. Joko Seger did not have the heart to force them. He loved all his children. Suddenly, the youngest child talked. His name was Kesuma.

"Please let me do it, Father. I love our family and the people of Tengger. But please, commemorate my sacrifice. Every year, please hold a ceremony and provide some offerings to the crater of Bromo Mountain," said Kesuma.